Speaking near Beantown

I got an email last night announcing that SQL Saturday #813 Boston -- BI Edition has been scheduled for March 30, 2019.  I went ahead and submitted my presentations. Because the Boston Microsoft office (despite the name, it's actually in Burlington, MA, about twelve miles northwest of Boston) is a smaller facility, events such as SQL … Continue reading Speaking near Beantown

#BI101: The need for having both a DW and cubes

This is part of a series of articles in which I’m trying to teach myself about BI.  Any related articles I write are preceded with “#BI101” in the title. This morning, this post from my friend and fellow SQL Saturday speaker, James Serra, crossed my inbox.  (Hope you don't mind me sharing, James!)  Because it … Continue reading #BI101: The need for having both a DW and cubes

#BI101: Some SQL Saturday speakers to check out

This is part of a series of articles in which I'm trying to teach myself about BI.  Any related articles I write are preceded with "#BI101" in the title. As a speaker on the SQL Saturday circuit, I've had the honor and privilege of having met, connected with, and even befriended a number of experts … Continue reading #BI101: Some SQL Saturday speakers to check out

#BI101: Introduction to data warehousing

This is part of a series of articles in which I'm trying to teach myself about BI.  Any related articles I write are preceded with "#BI101" in the title. Because this is a new (to me) topic, it's possible that what I write might be inaccurate.  I invite you to correct me in the comments, … Continue reading #BI101: Introduction to data warehousing

#BI101: An introduction to BI using baseball

Edit: This is the first of a series of articles (I hope!) in which I'm trying to teach myself about BI.  Any articles I write that are related to this, starting with this one, will be preceded with "#BI101" in the title. As I stated in a previous article, one topic about which I'm interested … Continue reading #BI101: An introduction to BI using baseball