Our user group logo gets a makeover @CASSUG_Albany #Logos #Branding

As some of you might be aware, I'm the person who handles communications and branding for the Albany local SQL user group. As such, I'm responsible for sending out group announcements, updating the calendar of events, and maintaining whatever social media resources we might have. Our old user group "logo" Last week, I was preparing … Continue reading Our user group logo gets a makeover @CASSUG_Albany #Logos #Branding

April CASSUG Monthly Meeting #Networking @CASSUG_Albany

Our April meeting will again be online. NOTE: you MUST RSVP to this Meetup at https://www.meetup.com/Capital-Area-SQL-Server-User-Group/events/277383641/ to view the Zoom URL! Our April guest speaker is Andy Yun! Topic: How Intelligent Query Processing improves T-SQL performance Do you write T-SQL for a living and want to improve its performance? Do you wish your 3rd party … Continue reading April CASSUG Monthly Meeting #Networking @CASSUG_Albany