#SQL101: Raising awareness of SQL injection

(Image credit: XKCD.com) I don't think there's an experienced web developer or DBA who isn't familiar with the classic "Bobby Tables" XKCD cartoon above. Just about any time you mention "Bobby Tables" to most experienced IT people, (s)he will immediately know to whom you are referring. Most experienced web developers and DBAs are aware of … Continue reading #SQL101: Raising awareness of SQL injection

I “speak” Oracle. Can I go to SQL Saturday?

I've been involved with SQL Saturday for a while -- since 2010, to be exact -- and have worked with SQL Server for even longer than that. However, I currently work in an Oracle environment. This likely begs the question: if I work in Oracle, is SQL Saturday still worth my while? The short answer: … Continue reading I “speak” Oracle. Can I go to SQL Saturday?