Upcoming speaking engagements (as of 6/18/2020)

It's been a while since I posted an update about upcoming speaking engagements. It doesn't help, of course, that COVID-19 has shut down many of the events where I had applied. I was supposed to speak at SQL Saturday in Chicago, and I had applied to speak at a local code camp, but both events … Continue reading Upcoming speaking engagements (as of 6/18/2020)

Albany Code Camp — April 25 @AlbanyCodeCamp #albcc

I received an email over the weekend about a new event for this year -- and for once, it isn't related to PASS or SQL Saturday. On Saturday April 25, the first (hopefully, annual) Albany Code Camp will be held! I submitted four of my presentations. We'll see if any of them are selected. Stay … Continue reading Albany Code Camp — April 25 @AlbanyCodeCamp #albcc