The things we do for free stuff

This morning, I'll be sitting in on a 10:00 webinar by some company called 36Software. I have no idea what the webinar is about, and since I'll be working during the webinar, I'll be sitting in my home office working on documentation with the webinar on in the background. Why am I sitting in on … Continue reading The things we do for free stuff

Improvement through rewriting

If you're an application developer (or at least you used to be one, like me), how many times have you come across an old piece of code that you wrote and said to yourself, "what the f*%k was I thinking?!?" You say to yourself, I can write that much better now than I did back … Continue reading Improvement through rewriting

Reminder: I’m speaking this Saturday! #SQLSaturday #DataSaturday #SQLSatLA #Networking

This is a reminder that I will be speaking this upcoming Saturday, June 12! I am speaking at SQL Saturday Los Angeles. I will do my presentation titled: Networking 101: Building professional relationships. I am scheduled to present at 4 pm EDT (1 pm PDT). This is a virtual conference, so I will be speaking … Continue reading Reminder: I’m speaking this Saturday! #SQLSaturday #DataSaturday #SQLSatLA #Networking

June CASSUG Monthly Meeting #Networking @CASSUG_Albany

Our June meeting will again be online. NOTE: you MUST RSVP to this Meetup at to view the Zoom URL! Our June guest speaker is Vasiya Krishnan! Topic: SQL Database at the Edge Our online meeting schedule is as follows: 6:00: General chat, discussion, and announcements6:30: PresentationWe usually wrap up between 7:30 PM and … Continue reading June CASSUG Monthly Meeting #Networking @CASSUG_Albany