February Monthly CASSUG Meeting

Greetings, data enthusiasts! Our February meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 13, at 5:30 pm! This will be a hybrid meeting! For those joining us in person, we will meet in person at Datto, 33 Tech Valley Drive, East Greenbush, NY. For those joining us online, use the Zoom link to join the meeting. We will send out the … Continue reading February Monthly CASSUG Meeting

Speakers Are Normal People

This is a great post by Steve Jones. I have made a lot of great friends through my association with SQL Saturday and PASS. I can tell you firsthand that #SQLFamily is real!

Voice of the DBA

The #SQLFamily is amazing, at least I think it is. Like many families, it’s welcoming, supportive, and comforting. It’s also maddening, frustrating, and exacerbating at times. Like most families, or at least the ones I know, it’s not perfect, but it’s what we have and at the end of the day, most of us get along with each other.

It’s also an open group of people. In general, we welcome people with open arms and smiles. Those of us that are more visible or prominent are willing to listen to, help, and support anyone. I was overjoyed during the recent PASS Data Community Summit, where I had the chance to see so many people that I haven’t seen in person in 2-3 years. I met many other interesting people for the first time and enjoyed the experience.

Not everyone feels the same way. I loved seeing Kimberly Tripp and Paul…

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