June Monthly CASSUG Meeting @CASSUG_Albany #SQLFamily #Networking

Greetings, data enthusiasts! Our June meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 12, at 5:30 pm! We will meet in person at Rensselaer Chamber of Commerce, 90 4th Street, Troy, NY. For more information and to RSVP, go to our Meetup event page at https://www.meetup.com/capital-area-sql-server-user-group/events/290678900/ Our meeting schedule is usually as follows: 5:30 PM: Food, soft drinks, and networking 6:15 … Continue reading June Monthly CASSUG Meeting @CASSUG_Albany #SQLFamily #Networking

February Monthly CASSUG Meeting

Greetings, data enthusiasts! Our February meeting will again be online. NOTE: you MUST RSVP to this Meetup at https://www.meetup.com/Capital-Area-SQL-Server-User-Group/events/283805310/ to view the Zoom URL! Our February speaker is Heidi Hasting! Topic: Power BI Building first report You've heard about Power BI and now want to give it a go. In this session we will go through building … Continue reading February Monthly CASSUG Meeting

#SQLSaturday #961 Albany — TOMORROW! July 25 #SQLSat961 #SQLSatAlbany

IMPORTANT!  If you are attending SQL Saturday, you MUST register on the SQL Saturday website (NOT Meetup or Facebook) at https://www.sqlsaturday.com/961! This is a reminder that tomorrow, July 25, CASSUG will host Albany SQL Saturday for the seventh time!  And for the first time, Albany SQL Saturday is going virtual! We will have a full day of great … Continue reading #SQLSaturday #961 Albany — TOMORROW! July 25 #SQLSat961 #SQLSatAlbany

I “speak” Oracle. Can I go to SQL Saturday?

I've been involved with SQL Saturday for a while -- since 2010, to be exact -- and have worked with SQL Server for even longer than that. However, I currently work in an Oracle environment. This likely begs the question: if I work in Oracle, is SQL Saturday still worth my while? The short answer: … Continue reading I “speak” Oracle. Can I go to SQL Saturday?

July 20 — SQL Saturday, Albany, NY

On Saturday, July 20 (one week from tomorrow), the Capital Area SQL Server User Group (CASSUG) will host SQL Saturday for the sixth time in Albany, NY! For those of you who are not regular readers of my 'blog, SQL Saturday is a daylong conference centered mostly (but not entirely) around data topics related to … Continue reading July 20 — SQL Saturday, Albany, NY

The evolution of statistics

During my lunch break, I was perusing the ESPN website and stumbled across this article. It contemplates whether or not a .300 hitter (in baseball, for those of you who are sports-challenged) is meaningful anymore. As a baseball fan, the article caught my attention. I didn't read through the entire article (it ended up being … Continue reading The evolution of statistics

SQL Saturday #835, Philadelphia — 5/4/19 (a week from this Saturday)

I just received an email from the organizers of SQL Saturday #835, saying that I should 'blog about the upcoming event. Okay, I will oblige! This is the fourth consecutive year that I am speaking at Philadelphia SQL Saturday, and they've all been fun experiences! (Last year, I even wrote an article in which I … Continue reading SQL Saturday #835, Philadelphia — 5/4/19 (a week from this Saturday)

SQL Saturday #813 (BI Edition), Boston, MA — I’m speaking!

I just got the official word! I will be speaking at SQL Saturday #813 (BI edition), Boston (actually, Burlington), MA on March 30! This is my first scheduled SQL Saturday presentation for 2019! I will do my presentation on talking tech-speak to non-technical people! This will make three times (all in the same building, no … Continue reading SQL Saturday #813 (BI Edition), Boston, MA — I’m speaking!

SQL Saturday #855 Albany announced!

The Capital Area SQL Server User Group (CASSUG) is pleased to announce that, for the sixth time, we will host SQL Saturday #855, Albany on July 20! For additional information, to register for the event, or to submit a presentation, click the link above! I've already submitted presentations, but I will be there, regardless of … Continue reading SQL Saturday #855 Albany announced!

Speaking near Beantown

I got an email last night announcing that SQL Saturday #813 Boston -- BI Edition has been scheduled for March 30, 2019.  I went ahead and submitted my presentations. Because the Boston Microsoft office (despite the name, it's actually in Burlington, MA, about twelve miles northwest of Boston) is a smaller facility, events such as SQL … Continue reading Speaking near Beantown