Reflections, setbacks, and accomplishments

"Here's to the new year.  May she be a damn sight better than the old one, and may we all be home before she's over." -- Col. Sherman T. Potter "We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." -- Walt Disney … Continue reading Reflections, setbacks, and accomplishments

Writing blind

"Life is like a sewer.  What you get out of it depends on what you put into it." -- unknown As a technical writer, one thing I often request is access to the product -- whether it's a web site, application, device, tool, etc. -- that I'm writing about.  In order for me to write … Continue reading Writing blind

Happy (insert name of your favorite holiday)

There's a meme that goes around Facebook, usually around the holiday season.  I've commented on this on Facebook before, but I thought it was worthwhile to put this into a 'blog article. The meme appears in many different ways, but the gist of it goes something like this: "If you're Christian, feel free to wish … Continue reading Happy (insert name of your favorite holiday)

SQL Saturday #694, Providence

This morning, I saw a 'blog post from my friend, Greg Moore, who wrote about his upcoming presentations at SQL Saturday in Washington, DC this Saturday.  Greg is an excellent presenter, and I always recommend his presentations anytime. It also made me realize a few things.  First, my own SQL Saturday presentations are coming up … Continue reading SQL Saturday #694, Providence

Upcoming SQL Saturday dates for me

Looks like my SQL Saturday schedule will be busy!  Here are my upcoming dates (and I admit that I'm writing this for my own reference as much as anything else). Scheduled to speak I am scheduled to speak at the following event: December 9, 2017: #694, Providence, RI Presentation abstracts submitted I submitted my presentations … Continue reading Upcoming SQL Saturday dates for me