A few words can make a difference

A couple of weeks ago, the Rensselaer Polytechnic (the RPI student newspaper) published a couple of op-eds in regard to the situation at RPI.  (My friend, Greg Moore, wrote a piece a while back related to this issue.)  In response to the op-eds, I decided to respond with my own letter to the editor. This morning, … Continue reading A few words can make a difference

SQL Saturday #797 — I’m coming to Boston

Happy Monday, all!  </sarcasm> This is a reminder that I am speaking at SQL Saturday #797, Boston (actually, Burlington, MA) this coming Saturday, Sept. 22! I will be doing my (still relatively new) presentation about networking, entitled "Networking 101: Building professional relationships" (or, the presentation previously known as "Networking: it isn’t just for breakfast anymore").  … Continue reading SQL Saturday #797 — I’m coming to Boston

Comment your damn code!!!

"Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand." -- Martin Fowler When I was a computer science major in college, I had professors who used to dock points if my code wasn't documented.  It didn't matter how well-written my code was, and it didn't matter … Continue reading Comment your damn code!!!

Speaking near Beantown

I got an email last night announcing that SQL Saturday #813 Boston -- BI Edition has been scheduled for March 30, 2019.  I went ahead and submitted my presentations. Because the Boston Microsoft office (despite the name, it's actually in Burlington, MA, about twelve miles northwest of Boston) is a smaller facility, events such as SQL … Continue reading Speaking near Beantown

To paper, or not to paper?

After trying to implement updates to one of my documents.  I realized that I was having problems trying to visualize how to incorporate a number of needed changes.  After staring at my document on the screen for a period of time, I decided to print out my table of contents to better visualize the document … Continue reading To paper, or not to paper?